
About ITG Labs

ITG Labs is a full service testing and analysis research lab that is GLP operated. As an AAALAC Intl.-accredited facility we are located on the East Side of Lake Washington in Redmond, WA.  We closely work with the with the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Washington. The Laboratory has conducted numerous preclinical toxicology programs on potential therapeutic agents and other chemicals. Entities such as the National Cancer Institute, the World Health Organization, the U.S Army Medical Research and Development Command, and several biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and agricultural companies utilize the expertise and commitment of the ITG Laboratory team. ITG’s genomic and proteomic research is supported by the UIC Genomic core facility and Protein Research Laboratory.

ITG Labs is located in the middle of the “Pacific NW Bio Medical District”, surrounded by four major hospitals.  This gives ITG labs a unique opportunity to continue preclinical safety studies in clinical trials.  With such resources ITG labs can propose an endless variety of disease models and conduct preclinical studies seamlessly followed by clinical trials to evaluate potential drugs for their cure. General Clinical Research Center supports all clinical trials at ITG Labs.

ITG Labs takes pride in offering individualized services to clients, with sensitivity to the specialized needs of various business environments. We are equipped and ready to help meet exact specifications by providing custom-tailored protocols in addition to the conduct of routine safety and efficacy studies. We offer the resources of a major university, while remaining an independent contract research facility. This allows us to provide our clients the best of both worlds – the expertise of a knowledgeable and well-trained team with a focus on client service and responsiveness.

ITG Labs believes in generously giving back to the community. Its nationally recognized Scientists in Schools program actively allows ITG employees to visit local area school to educate students about the careers that are available in the science field. We are doing our part in assisting students reach their potential.  The students are the future in this field and it is our duty to educate them to the fullest extent so they can continue the research and further the successes.  It is imperative to continue the crucial steps that we have achieved by passing the torch to the next generation of world-changing scientists.